You Are The Unvaccinated - You are to blame

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4 | 19 | DE | en | 2 hours ago | Nachrichten


HOW DARE THEY. How dare people blame the unvaccinated for recent outbreaks.

FACT: Fully vaccinated people can still contract COVID-19.

FACT: Fully vaccinated people can still spread COVID-19.

So would someone please tell me how they can possibly determine who exactly was responsible for the spread? They can’t. But it’s easy to blame those who are trusting their own immune system.

Vaccine passports and blaming the un-vaxxed for the uptick in cases is irresponsible. While so many so-called experts, doctors and scientists are pro-vaccine, there are those in those same professions who are against it because of it not being tested properly or having not been given approval. Those are the people we’re not being allowed to hear from. They are being muffled and threatened with losing their jobs if they dare speak out. Can you really be that naive if you don’t question why? If people want to jump to get the shot, that’s their choice, but don’t put your fear on everyone else’s shoulders.

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