Suchana Seth Case: CEO mom denies committing the crime, cops suspect otherwise | Oneindia
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Suchana Seth Case: CEO mom denies committing the crime, cops suspect otherwise | Oneindia
By: Oneindia
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Publish Date: 2024-01-10
Watched Times: 586
Duration: 02:09
Language: en | Country: IN
New details have emerged in the tragic case of the death of a four-year-old boy allegedly killed by his mother, Suchana Seth, a Bengaluru-based start-up CEO, at a resort-apartment in Goa on Monday. Co-founder of the artificial intelligence start-up Mindful AI Lab, Suchana Seth was apprehended in Karnataka's Chitradurga district on Monday night while travelling in a taxi with her son's lifeless body in a luggage bag. Despite denying the accusations, the post-mortem report indicates that the child was smothered to death with a pillow or cloth, followed by an apparent suicide attempt by the start-up CEO. Police have also recovered bottles of cough syrup from the Goa apartment where Suchana was staying.

#SuchanaSeth #Goa #NidhinValsan #MindfulAILab #GoaPolice #NorthGoa #NorthGoaPolice


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