
Tim Allman

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Journalist with BBC News. These are some of my reports...

All Video By Tim Allman

How fencing is changing lives for people in Kenya
How fencing is changing lives for people in Kenya

Fencing is a kind of sword-play that some say stretches back nearly four-thousand years. It's supposed to represent the values of honour and chivalry - there may even have been mention of it in Homer's Iliad. It is now an Olympic sport - dominated by countries from Europe. But in Kenya - fencing is becoming ever more popular - as the BBC's Tim Allman explains.

Actor Dabney Coleman dies at the age of 92
Actor Dabney Coleman dies at the age of 92

The actor Dabney Coleman has died at the age of 92. Tim Allman looks back at his life and career.

Coping with the lull between Christmas and New Year
Coping with the lull between Christmas and New Year

For many - the days after Christmas are an opportunity to relax and unwind. A new year is imminent - and people want to take things a little easy. But for others - it's a whole different story - as the BBC's Tim Allman explains.

How people celebrated Christmas across the globe
How people celebrated Christmas across the globe

Millions of people around the world may well be recovering from their Christmas revelries. For many it was a day of eating, drinking and spending time with loved ones. But while some celebrated to excess - others took a different path - as the BBC's Tim Allman explains.

NORAD tracks Father Christmas around the globe
NORAD tracks Father Christmas around the globe

Millions of people of people around the world are celebrating - or will soon be celebrating - Christmas. For some it is an important religious festival - for others it's simply an excuse to eat, drink and be merry. But for one man in particular it's a lot of hard work - as the BBC's Tim Allman explains.

Father Christmas prepares for a busy night
Father Christmas prepares for a busy night

It is nearly - very nearly - Christmas. All around the world millions of people are making final preparations. There may still be time to buy that last-minute present. And for one person in particular the next day or so will be very busy indeed. The BBC's Tim Allman explains.

The family of Leonard Bernstein defend Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose
The family of Leonard Bernstein defend Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose

The family of Leonard Bernstein have defended Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in the upcoming film, Maestro. Tim Allman reports.

The musicals hoping to make it big at the Edinburgh Festival
The musicals hoping to make it big at the Edinburgh Festival

How the Edinburgh Festival has become a breeding ground for popular musicals. Tim Allman reports.

The disappearing neon signs of Hong Kong
The disappearing neon signs of Hong Kong

For decades they were a visual symbol of Hong Kong - the neon signs that lit up the city's night sky. In recent years many of them have disappeared - thanks in part to safety concerns and worries about the environment. Now a new exhibition is showcasing them in all their glory. Tim Allman reports.

Can rugby help rehabilitate young offenders in Uruguay's prisons?
Can rugby help rehabilitate young offenders in Uruguay's prisons?

Uruguay has the highest rate of prison population in South America. For every hundred-thousand people - more than four-hundred are behind bars. So - what can you do to rehabilitate offenders - and bring those numbers down? Well - one scheme involves the liberal use of an oval-shaped ball - as Tim Allman explains.

Robbie Robertson dies at the age of 80
Robbie Robertson dies at the age of 80

Robbie Robertson - the lead guitarist for the rock group The Band - has died at the age of eighty. The Canadian-American group spent years as backing musicians for Bob Dylan in the nineteen-sixties. After leaving The Band - Robertson went on to have a successful career as a soundtrack composer. Tim Allman looks back at his life and career.

Acclaimed film-maker William Friedkin dies at the age of 87
Acclaimed film-maker William Friedkin dies at the age of 87

The Oscar-winning film-maker William Friedkin has died at the age of 87. Tim Allman looks back at his life an career.

An ancient Roman ship is discovered in a coal-mine in Serbia
An ancient Roman ship is discovered in a coal-mine in Serbia

At its height - the Roman Empire covered much of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. Even today - relics of that empire are being uncovered. The latest example was the remains of a Roman ship - discovered in a coal-mine in modern-day Serbia. Tim Allman reports.

Soviet symbol removed from statue in Ukraine
Soviet symbol removed from statue in Ukraine

A hammer and sickle - the symbol of the Soviet Union - has been removed from a stature in Ukraine. Tim Allman reports.

The ancient worms that have come back to life
The ancient worms that have come back to life

A team of international scientists say they've been able to revive ancient worms that have been dormant for forty-six thousand years. The organisms were found in the frozen soil of Siberia. DNA analysis has shown them to be a previously unknown species of nematode - or roundworm. Tim Allman reports.

The lioness on the loose in Berlin (that turned out not to be a lioness)
The lioness on the loose in Berlin (that turned out not to be a lioness)

Officials in Germany have called off their search for a lioness on the loose in Berlin - after deciding it was in fact a wild boar. Tim Allman reports.

Australian castaway rescued after spending months adrift at sea
Australian castaway rescued after spending months adrift at sea

An Australian man has been rescued after spending months adrift at sea. Tim Allman reports.

Jordanian restaurant lets diners have a post-meal sleep
Jordanian restaurant lets diners have a post-meal sleep

At a restaurant in Jordan you can eat - and then sleep. Tim Allman explains.

The artist using the Swiss Alps as his canvas
The artist using the Swiss Alps as his canvas

Every artist needs a canvas for their work. Some use paper or cloth - others use the human body. But one Swiss artist likes to think big - really big - as Tim Allman explains.

Women playing football in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro
Women playing football in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro

In Brazil - for many people - football is more important than just about anything else. Practically everyone follows the game - and a lot of people play it. But becoming a professional isn't easy - with background and even gender playing a vital role. Tim Allman explains.

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